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feero's Achievements

  1. feero

    egypte Rtg

    Last day in his life Today was the last day of this pretty train, ENR start to scrap and cut the ANF turbo train after 34 years of heavy-duty Such a pity that not even one train was saved. I will miss this pretty train. poor train
  2. feero

    egypte Rtg

    merry christmas for you all my friends
  3. feero

    egypte Rtg

    ohh thanks i was think its a magazine , thanks for the information.
  4. feero

    egypte Rtg

    Dear friends , anyone have a soft copy of this issue of that magazine ? Chers amis, que quelqu'un a une copie électronique de ce numéro de ce magazine?
  5. feero

    egypte Rtg

    thanks Fabrice
  6. feero

    egypte Rtg

    i think this is a part of leaflet. still searching for it .
  7. feero

    egypte Rtg

  8. feero

    egypte Rtg

    geant vert yes its dead end . cairo station got dead end for platform s no 1,2,3,4 but from 5 till 13 its continous ways ckeck the attached plan
  9. feero

    egypte Rtg

    new pic for that fantastic train at platform no 4 cairo sataion
  10. feero

    egypte Rtg

    hello my friends . i got new pics but dont know whats happend, where the link to upload gone ????
  11. feero

    egypte Rtg

    Merry Christmas for you all my friends and wish you all happy new year.
  12. feero

    egypte Rtg

    thanks sir , thanks for all friends
  13. Is that pic was in ANF factory or alstom factory ?? and is there is any more pics of Cairo underground metro do you have sir ? thanks , Feero
  14. feero

    egypte Rtg

    Dear Fabrice , Dear all friends No its not like what you think , there was no lights and there is a lot of people near tracks because the train wasn't in the station yet. it was out of station waiting for the light sign to go to in after it was in the cleaning area , (a small shower before travel ll be so good ) The next pic is a hand made model in the Museum its not to scale and not so good @all but its the available one Nobody here was working in ANF factory can help in more pics or a design of that train ?
  15. feero

    egypte Rtg

    thank you sir for that great pic ,hope to see more , here is another 3 pics of it in Cairo and final pic is my drawing work by Autocad for that pretty train . hope u all like it Feero
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