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TGV USA: SIemens s'associe aux espagnols et à Veolia

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Siemens, FCC to Bid on Billion Dollar US High-Speed Train Project


Siemens AG has reached an agreement with Spain's leading construction company to make a joint bid on a multi-billion-dollar high-speed train project in the U.S., sources close to the situation told the Spanish newspaper Expansion. The German-based engineering conglomerate will team up with Fomento de Construcciones y Contratas to bid on the portion of the train corridor that will run between Orlando and Tampa, Fla. Other companies said to have made bids on the project include France's Veolia, Sweden-based Skanska and a local construction outfit called Granite, Bloomberg reports. The move by Siemens and the Spanish construction company comes just two weeks after the U.S. government awarded $2.4 billion in funding for railroad projects in 23 states. Last month's round of financial support is in addition to the $8 billion that was allocated to the project back in January. The initiative, which was announced as part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, will help create the "first nationwide program of high-speed intercity passenger rail service." The majority of the funds have been allocated to Florida and California, two areas with generally poor public transportation systems and major traffic issues. The high-speed train between Tampa and Orlando should be able to cut the 90-minute trip in half while clearing up roads for local transit. Florida's state government plans on one day extending the line down to Miami, however the timetable is still uncertain, CNET reports. California, on the other hand, will spend its share of the funding on a new high-speed railroad that will connect its Central Valley. Down the road, the state hopes to develop a line that runs from San Francisco all the way down to Los Angeles, cutting six hours of travel time down to just two hours and forty-five minutes. The federal government has said that both domestic and foreign companies that wish to bid on the projects will have to "establish or expand their base of operations in the United States if they are hired to build America's next generation high-speed rail lines," according to CNET.

voir aussi la présentation du Siemens Velaro en Floride (avec Veolia)

Visitors to the Orlando exhibit who board the Velaro mock-up will be treated to a multimedia experience simulating a 200 mph trip through the Florida countryside on one of the fastest passenger trains in the world. Exhibit attendees will also have an opportunity to get their questions answered by high-speed rail experts from Florida Rail Ventures, an alliance of 4 companies (Siemens, Skanska, Veolia and FCC/GlobalVia) bidding for the rights to build Florida’s first-ever high-speed rail corridor. Guests will also be able to learn about the history of rail transportation and how high-speed rail is impacting other parts of the world today.

Modifié par 2D2

Petite question: va-t-on demander des justifications à Siemens au sujet de la 2eme guerre mondiale. cartonrouge


Petite question: va-t-on demander des justifications à Siemens au sujet de la 2eme guerre mondiale. cartonrouge

laisse tomber, les Chinois fourniront des Velaro à quart de prix en remerciant Siemens de leur avoir ouvert la porte ...


Petite question: va-t-on demander des justifications à Siemens au sujet de la 2eme guerre mondiale. cartonrouge

je l'ai déjà mentionné sur un autre post, Siemens à régler 12m$ pour blanchir ses opérations grises, notamment ses usines au sein des camps des concentration.

Cela suffit aux associations défendant les déportés juifs.

Payer pour laver un crime n'est pas notre culture malheureusement.

Invité necroshine


c'est l'entreprise qui s'imisse toujours dès qu'il y a du pognon a se faire....

Bon, ils s'ecroulent souvent.... Mais au depart, ils amassent, et dès que le fruit n'a plus de jus... Ils se cassent...

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