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The TNL (Tramways de Nice et du Littoral) had four lines which ran some distance inland from the coast. Three ran out from Nice, serving: Levens, Bendejun, and La-Grave-de-Peille. All followed valleys of the Paillon and its tributaries. As well as the line to La-Grave-de-Peille, the line to Contes and Bendejun was to have had another Branch to l'Escarene. Major work was undertaken on that line but it was never brought into use.
A fourth line ran inland from Menton to Sospel.
Two lines are covered in the linked article - that to Levens and that to Sospel. .....
Another article will cover the remaining lines.
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il y a une heure, rogerfarnworth a dit :
The TNL (Tramways de Nice et du Littoral) had four lines which ran some distance inland from the coast. Three ran out from Nice, serving: Levens, Bendejun, and La-Grave-de-Peille. All followed valleys of the Paillon and its tributaries. As well as the line to La-Grave-de-Peille, the line to Contes and Bendejun was to have had another Branch to l'Escarene. Major work was undertaken on that line but it was never brought into use.
A fourth line ran inland from Menton to Sospel.
Two lines are covered in the linked article - that to Levens and that to Sospel. .....
Another article will cover the remaining lines.

comme ça, ce sera plus facile  😉

  • J'aime 1

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