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The Whitland & Cardigan Railway was a 27.5 miles (44.3 km) long branch line, "built in two stages, at first as the Whitland and Taf Vale Railway from the South Wales Main Line at Whitland to the quarries at Glogue. It opened in 1873 , at first only for goods and minerals and later for passengers.
This is a first article about the line and follows the first length of the line out from Cardigan.
  • J'aime 1
  • 2 semaines plus tard...
This is the second in a short series of articles about the line.
My interest in this branch line stems from reading an article by M.R. Connop Price; Before the Railways: The Early Steamers of Cardiganshire; in the Railway & Canal Historical Society Journal in July 2022. And from staying North of Cardigan in 2023 and walking part of the route of the old line.
We restart our journey from Cardigan to Whitland at Boncath Railway Station.
  • J'aime 2
  • 2 mois plus tard...

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