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b] Uniformity of Gauge in Australia. .....[/b]

The Railway Magazine of November 1899 started a three part series looking at the need for a uniform gauge across the Commonwealth of Australia once federation had occurred .....

[Quote]Victoria’s and South Australia’s railways were 5ft 3in broad gauge. New South Wales’ railways were standard-gauge, Queensland’s were 3ft 6in gauge. And, as of 1899, the authorities were in no sense inclined to yield up their gauge to progress.

Perhaps we need a review of the historical context. Wikipedia provides a narrative which aids in understanding why Australia ended up with three different railway gauges.

“In 1845, a Royal Commission on Railway Gauges in the United Kingdom was formed to report on the desirability for a uniform gauge. As a result, the Regulating the Gauge of Railways Act 1846 was passed which prescribed the use of 4 ft 8 1⁄2 in (1,435 mm) in England, Scotland and Wales (with the exception of the Great Western Railway) and 5 ft 3 in (1,600 mm) in Ireland. … In 1846, Australian newspapers discussed the break of gauge problem in the United Kingdom, especially for defence [and] in 1847, South Australia adopted the 4 ft 8 1⁄2 in gauge as law.”[/Quote]

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Publication: (modifié)

Further posts about articles from this issue of The Railway Magazine appear on other threads, including:


Through Norway by Rail 

The Severn and Wye Joint Railway 

Is a post on the thread below (posted on 17th September 2024 @ 16.16 hours)



Modifié par rogerfarnworth
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