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The Railway Magazine, 1899

Through Norway by Rail

E.E. Speight tells of his own experiences traveling by rail in Norway at the end of the 19th century.

In an article which is primarily a travelogue rather than a technical piece. He fails to mention the gauges of the different railways that he travels along. The matter of the differing gauges of railways in Norway is covered in some paragraphs on the linked article.

In 1899, Norway had around 1,300 miles of railway. The main elements were lines running:

• from Christiania South towards Sweden reaching the border at Kornsjo (169 km – the Smaalensbanen);

• from Christiania East towards Sweden reaching the border beyond Kongsvinger;

• from Christiania to Trondhjem (562 km) with branches to Lillehamer, Otta and from Elverum to Kongsvinger;

• from Trondhjem to Storlien (108 km) to meet the line in Sweden from Stockholm;

• from Christiania South to Drammen, Laurvik and Skien (204 km) with branches to Randsfjord, Kongsberg and Kroderen, Horten and Brevik.

• between Christiansand and Byglandsfjord (Saetersdal); Stavanger and Ekersund (Jaederbanen); and Bergen to Vosse (108 km).

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