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Publication: (modifié)
It has taken me a while to get round to completing this article! ….

Saturday 6th May 2023 was the first time that I had been able to visit the Cavan & Leitrim at Dromod. A planned visit in 2020 was prevented by the COVID-19 pandemic and the associated lockdown which was enforced for our safety.

We were en-route, on 6th May, from Co. Donegal to Dublin after two great weeks following the route of the Burtonport Extension Railway between Burtonport and Letterkenny.

I had been intending to drop in to see the preservation society at Dromod either on the way to Co. Donegal or on the return journey. The second option worked in best with our travel arrangements.

Modifié par rogerfarnworth
  • rogerfarnworth changed the title to The Cavan & Leitrim Railway again. .....

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